Schedule Overview
• Understand The Schedule screen
• Understand the Fruit Purchase screen
• Understand how to create a new schedule
• Understand how to create a new purchased fruit schedule
The Schedule screen lists all groves scheduled to be harvested for the date selected. It also tracks loads completed and remaining loads. From the schedule page you may also copy scheduled loads to another date to complete a request.
Harvesting Schedule screen:
Navigation buttons - Used to change dates. You may enter the date or use the arrows to move the dates forward or back.
Add a new schedule
Copy a schedule(s) to another date. To copy a schedule place a check mark in the box to the left of the Action column for the scheduled loads you want to copy over.
Enter a Purchased Fruit schedule
Understand the Harvest Screen
Column definitions:
Purchased Fruit Section
Purchased fruit lists fruit you have purchased from a grower and selling to a customer.
Column definitions:
New schedule screen
To create a new schedule, click the Plus icon.
Use the Filters supplied to limit the data you wish to display - Land Area, Block, Variety Class, Variety and Status.
1. Select the harvester in the Land Area/Grove you are scheduling
2. Select the work crew if tracked. Not required
3. Enter the number of loads to be schedule
4. Click the plus icon in the action column to save the schedule
Creating a new Purchased Fruit schedule
The Purchased fruit lists fruit you have purchased from a grower and selling to a customer.
Clicking on the Fruit Purchase icon will display the purchase input screen
1. Select supplier
2. Select customer
3. Select Sales contract
4. Select Destination
5. Enter Quantity / number of loads to be purchased
6. Enter Purchase Date
7. Enter Demand date
8. Click Submit
Article ID: 1045
Created On: May 29, 2015 at 10:32 AM
Last Updated On: Jun 30, 2015 at 2:24 PM
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